Are Uranium Bulls Too Early to the Party?

Jan Stuart has one of the most fascinating jobs in finance. As an energy analyst at investment bank Piper Sandler, he not only monitors trends in the energy markets, but also the delicate spiderweb of geopolitical forces that affect how (and if) 8 billion people across the globe keep the lights on.

Today, in my latest interview for Global Macro Update, I sit down with Jan to discuss nuclear energy’s “green” makeover, the private support Bill Gates is pouring into nuclear development, and whether uranium bulls are too early to the party.

We also cover:

  • The new technology the US needs to expand nuclear power use

  • Why one of the biggest threats to US nuclear security is homegrown

  • Jan’s outlook on oil prices and the surprising effects of the Russian supply crimp

  • How China and India could make a positive push toward nuclear energy

  • Where the US keeps its best energy insurance policy

You can hear my conversation with Jan on YouTube by clicking the image below.

A full transcript of our conversation is available here.

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Best regards,

Ed D’Agostino
Publisher & COO

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Finding High Yield in Dividend Aristocrats



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