What the WSJ Gets Wrong About China, with Louis Gave

He’s back… my friend Louis Gave, CEO of Gavekal Research, Asian markets expert and a longtime favorite at the Strategic Investment Conference.

The last time Louis and I spoke on Global Macro Update, viewers left a slew of positive comments such as “I hope we will see much more of Louis Gave” and “Louis is a wealth of information, much of which I’d never encountered from another source.”

I couldn’t agree more, which is why I’m so glad to welcome him back.

Today, in the latest edition of Global Macro Update, Louis gives a contrarian view on China’s so-called economic crisis, with data to back up his argument. He also shares his top investment themes and “the real story of the summer.”

In our interview, you’ll also hear:

  • How the Fed prioritizes its unspoken third mandate above all else

  • What the United States’ $30+ trillion debt train means for the US dollar

  • Louis’ take on the reshoring trend—and the one area of manufacturing where the US has a true advantage.

You can listen to my conversation with Louis Gave on YouTube by clicking the image below.

A full transcript of our conversation is available here.

Thanks for joining me this week at Global Macro Update. Please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel. It helps us attract new viewers.

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Best regards,

Ed D’Agostino
Publisher & COO

If you prefer to listen to Global Macro Update, you can do so here:

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Finding High Yield in Dividend Aristocrats



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