Dividend Digest Archive, August 2023

You Really Can Pay Your Bills with Dividends
  • August 30, 2023

You Really Can Pay Your Bills with Dividends

I see these claims all over social media: I just paid all my bills with my dividends. It’s usually accompanied with a hashtag like #financialfreedom, #passiveincome, or #FIRE (financial independence retire early).

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How to Avoid Being Blindsided by a Dividend Cut
  • August 16, 2023

How to Avoid Being Blindsided by a Dividend Cut

This is not the first time I’ve been blindsided by a dividend cut. After all, I’ve been in this industry for over a decade. And since I plan on being a dividend investor for many years to come, this likely won’t be the last.

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Poor Earnings Release… Time to Panic?
  • August 9, 2023

Poor Earnings Release… Time to Panic?

It’s earnings season, and I find myself tied to my computer, looking through numbers until I feel dizzy. No matter what industry or type of stock I look at, one thing is certain: It’s not all sunshine and roses.

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Dividend Digest

One last thing... Grab a free copy of Kelly Green's The Case for Dividends

In The Case for Dividends: Seize the Moment as $6.3 Trillion Moves out of Money Markets and into Wealth-Building Dividend Stocks, Kelly lays out how dividend stocks consistently outperform in any market and why now is the perfect time to seize this wealth-building opportunity. Get this free briefing delivered to your inbox when you fill out the form below.

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