Over My Shoulder

Stratfor: After the Election

November 8, 2012

It has been a few days since I last posted, but that is not because I am not reading, it is just that I have not found much worth passing on, probably due to the elections being the focus of everything. I expect that to change. Rest assured, I rarely go fully into vacation mode, and if you do not hear from me for a few days it is because I will not post something just to be posting. Then again, when there are days when I post 4-5 things, it is because it was raining significant work that should be read.

Cafayate was awesome, and I will go back many times, I am sure. I am in the airport in Salta on my way to BA as I write this. I have had some time to reflect on the elections and will want to think even more about the repercussions.

George Friedman shot me this brief note about the rest of the world, which I found helpful, and I pass it on. The rest of the developed world also has issues. Together with ours, they will make for interesting times.

Download - After_the_Election%2C_a_Gridlocked_World_-_Stratfor.pdf