The dangers of decoupling from China…

Today I spoke with Emily de La Bruyère, a senior fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) and the founder of Horizon Advisory. We discussed China’s economic role in the global ecosystem as well as US-China decoupling.

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In this edition you’ll hear Emily and me discuss:

  • How relationships between the US and China are deteriorating and why that trend will likely continue…
  • Why US regulatory controls will likely prove ineffective in protecting domestic industry from Chinese encroachment…
  • How the mainstream media fundamentally misunderstands China-Taiwan tensions…
  • What the US and Europe ultimately must do in order to successfully decouple from China…
  • Why US and European private industry will eventually lose access to Chinese markets…

Click here to watch now or to read a transcript of this interview, click here.


Ed D’Agostino
Publisher, Mauldin Economics


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