One Financial Decision Trumps Everything

Today, we have Jared Dillian back on Global Macro Update to discuss the Fed, a better way to manage money, and his latest book, No Worries: How to Live a Stress-Free Financial Life.

Jared and I speak several times a week, but he’s a busy guy—he writes multiple financial newsletters, his work is regularly published on Bloomberg, and you’ll often spot him on major media outlets, like MSNBC or Fox Business. Pinning him down for this interview wasn’t easy.

Many of you are familiar with Jared’s work and his tenure on Wall Street. In the interview, we cover market sentiment, some of Jared’s positions, and why central banks are accumulating gold.

We also chat about the book. Jared wants everyone to get the big things right—house, car, student loans. Those choices will dictate your financial well-being, not your coffee order.

The wisdom in this book is useful to everyone, but personally, I’ve been dolling out copies to nieces and nephews, and other young people in my life. With the right guideposts, it’s much easier to succeed financially on your first pass than it is to unwind poor decisions at age 50. If you haven’t picked up a copy of Jared’s book yet, you can grab one off Amazon or go to Jared Dillian Money.

In the interview, you will also hear:

  • The one financial decision that trumps everything

  • Jared’s unusual method for splitting marital expenses

  • Why 90% of managing money is waiting (and what to do with the other 10% of your time)

Click the image above to watch my interview with Jared. A full transcript of our conversation is available here.

Best regards,

Ed D’Agostino
Publisher & COO

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