Richard Maybury: “Adapting to and profiting from the collapse of the federal government’s empire”
January 17, 2017
Today I have for you the last in our series of 2017 forecasts. This one comes from Richard Maybury, author of the U.S. & World Early Warning Report (EWR), who says of this piece, "I have never before written anything as important as this..." -- so you know the guy is worked up about 2017! And sure enough, in the very next paragraph he tells us, "This EWR is less about Trump than about the new world he has created. As US president, he is global emperor, and has apparently chosen to follow in the footsteps of Benito Mussolini, probably unwittingly." Well, that's a bit extreme, but Richard does share a number of my concerns about the deeper structural challenges that our economy faces. He continues:
"When I hear someone say what’s off-kilter about America is the wrong people are in power, and to fix it we need the right people in power, my reply is, the problem runs a lot deeper than that."
I don't agree with everything this guy has to say, but he's certainly worth a careful (and cautious) read.