Over My Shoulder

Murat Koprulu: The ECB as Comedians

March 10, 2016

Shortest OMS ever. After the ECB action, I am looking for an explanation of the LTRO they are going to do that I can legally send out. It makes a joke out of the lower rates and screws the consumer and depositor while giving – GIVING! – banks billions. Ridiculous.
Attached is a graph sent to me by my  hedgie friend Murat Koprulu. His comment with it?...
“This graph cements my view that ECB and Draghi are either clowns or pathological liars.  2016 ‘inflation’ forecast of only 4 months ago is quietly changed from 1% to 0.1% – nobody noticed.  No deflation here, keep moving, please…"
Murat is right. These guys are clowns in the pocket of the big banks.

Download - The_ECB_as_Comedians_Mar16.pdf