Over My Shoulder

Mark Grant: $21.7 trillion quantified

October 27, 2017

Part of my normal routine each day is to look at Dennis Gartman's newsletter. After looking at it for well over a decade (and maybe close to two now) I have learned to scan it and pause to read deeper when I find him writing about something big happening in one of the markets, where I want to drill down a bit. It keeps me acquainted with what's going on. Today he did a cut-and-paste from Mark Grant of Hilltop Securities, whois talking about the size of central bank balance sheets. I find it fascinating that the Fed and ECB don't see the inflation they expected from QE. We got the inflation alright, but in assets like stocks and homes. And they think they can begin to take this stimulus back without affecting asset prices? Seriously? Read Mark's piece and think about the implications.

Download - 171027_Grant.pdf