Over My Shoulder

Joan McCullough: The financialization of the economy

October 23, 2015

This is from my friend the data and economics maven Joan McCullough. She has a mid-five-figure newsletter service that she writes twice a day. I simply don't understand how she does it, but she is one of the best slicers and dicers of economic data anywhere in the world. Her subscribers are a small but very elite list because of the price of her service. From time to time I get her permission to forward something on to you that I think is particularly relevant and thought-provoking. Usually I will ask you not to forward it in turn, but in this particular case she will allow that, as so many of her clients have asked to send this piece to their lists, so it will eventually be public. This is about the financialization of the investment world and our corporations. Wickedly insightful, and important.

Download - 151021_Joanie.pdf