Over My Shoulder

Joan McCullough: raggin’ on the IMF

June 16, 2013

I admit Joan McCullough is an acquired taste, but I am addicted. I have twice offered to marry her after reading her comments. She says there is a line I have to get into.

Today she takes on (mocks) the recent IMF report, which was used by some as a prop to suggest it moved the market. Really. It makes you wonder how we get out of this whole QE mess. Without a lot of tears for a lot of people. Quote:

So there you have it.  Please note:  There is not a single mention of the fact that the US has record debt and record unemployment, food stamps, disability and Medicaid enrolment.  With almost half of us paying no federal income tax whatsoever.  That Obamacare is s driving health insurance premiums wild.  That after almost 5 years of ZIRP and 3 rounds of QE and a wildly bloated central bank balance sheet, that we are lucky to get 2% growth.  That the quality of jobs being created is piss poor and that wages are stagnant.  And while CPI inflation is tame, the cost of living which is not reflected therein, is anything but.  And that we also have up to 20 million illegals in this country whose welcome hangs in the balance.  Right now.  With talk that the State Department is considering taking Syrian refugees as well.  Once we determine which ones are Al Qaeda sympathizers and which are not.  And most of all, they never addressed this reality:  that the FED has painted itself into a corner.  And that any suggestion that the FED should carefully plan an exit while being careful not to upset the applecart.  Is just plain disingenuous.  Either that, or there’s been an en masse psychotic break at the IMF headquarters.  Your call.

So if you wanna’ claim that they rolled stocks over because of this worthless bit of writing from a bunch of out-of-touch bureaucrats, be my guest.

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