Over My Shoulder

Goldman Sachs: 2013 US Equity Outlook: Selectively seeking growth

December 8, 2012

The season of 2013 forecasts is beginning. I read scores of these forecasts and then do my own, typically in the first week of January. I am going to post most of the forecasts I read (unless they are just silly or redundant) so you can indeed look over my shoulder. My posting them does not equate with agreement, as this first such posting will evidence. I see no reason to be this optimistic from a macro perspective. But this is Goldman and a lot of people take this most seriously.

Thankfully, most of these forecasts have summaries, so they might not take you the hours I will spend. If I read one that I think merits particularly close attention, I will note it.

Download - Goldman_Sachs_-_US_Equity_Outlook.pdf