Over My Shoulder

Gold in a deflationary time

June 2, 2012

One of my favorite writers and someone whom I will soon be collaborating with for a new publication, Grant Williams writes the always-interesting Things that Make You go Hmmm. Today he looks at gold stocks and specifically Homestake during the Depression. This is going to make me do some more research about gold stocks in general during the Depression and other deflationary times, as I agree they are starting to look silly cheap. But which ones? We will have to begin to look at the space more closely. For what it's worth, I started out writing a gold stock letter in 1985 and sold it when gold was over $500, as I did not see any upside in the yellow metal. I became bullish again in 2002. And now the gold stocks are starting to once again interest me. I still have my contacts, so I think I will start to reach out and see what I can stir up. You will be there with me when I do.

Download - Hmmm_02_Jun_2012_2.pdf