Over My Shoulder

Browning World Climate Bulletin, November 2017

November 21, 2017

It has been a while since I have sent you a Browning weather letter. I admit to being one of those nerds is interested in weather and climatology. I was following the founder of this letter, Ibn Browning, back in the 80s. He was one of the first true climatologists -- an amazing genius. His grandson is now doing the letter (after his daughter's sad passing a few months ago).

For most of you, Pacific and Atlantic oscillations in ocean temperature are probably not right up there on your worry lists. But if you scroll down to page 3, you can see a prediction about what the weather will look like in your area for the coming winter. As it turns out, it looks like we're going to have great weather here in Dallas. I'm sure there will be the random cold days, but we're supposed to be unusually warm for this time of year. In early November temperatures almost hit the 90s and we were sitting out on the balcony in short sleeves enjoying the view. Honestly, we've had the most incredible weather the past few months.
But there is a potential La Niña breeding, so that could have consequences… dum da dum dum…

Download - BrowningBulletinNovember_2017.pdf