Over My Shoulder

Ben Hunt: Rise of the Machines

July 29, 2013

This is for the geeks and longer-term thinkers among my readers. No trading ideas for this week here in this piece. This week's note from Ben Hunt is quite good and is along  lines that I am currently meditating about. If you read sci-fi you get familiar with the concept of true machine intelligence. Peter Hamilton and the (sadly, late) Ian Banks take us into the post-singularity world of the future, but speculation about the transition to that vaunted state is vague, as you might imagine. But we are tasked with the problem and opportunity of living through that transformation over the next few decades. HFT is a rudimentary beginning to a major transition in trading, too. Value will not go out of style, but it will get expressed in different forms. Oddly, deeper machine involvement may force us into a value mode as defense.

Download - 7_28_13_Rise_of_the_Machines.pdf