Below you will find links to the slides that were presented over the course of the conference (not all presenters used slides). Some files are large and could take a significant time to download. Please be patient.
The Trials and Tribulations of Trumponomics
David Rosenberg
Gluskin Sheff
Structuring A Globally Diversified Portfolio
Louis Gave
Gavekal Research
Dr. Pippa Malmgren 2017 SIC Presentation
Pippa Malmgren
DRPM Group
Shifts Happen
Raoul Pal and Grant Williams
Co-Founders, Real Vision Group
Will Monetary Restraint Overcome the
Administration's Proposed Economic Initiatives?
Lacy Hunt
Executive VP, Hoisington Investment Management Company
Where Are We In The Economic Cycle?
Martin Barnes
Chief Economist, BCA Research
Turning Points: The Long and Short of It
Lakshman Achuthan
Executive VP, Hoisington Investment Management
Where Are We Going, Where Have We Been?
Marc Faber
Gloom, Boom & Doom Report
Are We Approaching The Reverse of the David Tepper Trade?
Peter Boockvar
Author, The Boock Report
Trumponomics, The Honma Accord & JGB Bondfire
David Zervos
Jefferies, LLC
Bexion Pharmaceuticals: Exploiting a unique vulnerability of cancer cells
Dr. Ray Takigiku
Bexion Pharmaceuticals
Emerging Trends in Regenerative Medicine and Aging
Dr. Mike West
BioTime, Inc.
Transforming the Future of Healthcare and Aging With Artificial Intelligence and AI-Powered Aging Research
Dr. Alex Zhavoronkov
Insilico Medicine, Inc
#ATWWY: 10 Potential Surprises for 2017
Mark Yusko
Morgan Creek Capital Management
The Great Reset
John Mauldin
Mauldin Economics
A Decade of Crisis... and Beyond. What's ahead for our lives, economy, and nation.
Neil Howe
Saeculum Research