Qué Pasa, Markets?

Ed D'Agostino | Global Macro Update
June 30, 2023

Financial media would have you think seven stocks are responsible for “the market’s” gain this year. But the charts are telling us otherwise. Almost every sector is up double digits since last June. To understand what’s happening in the markets, this week we connect with market technician JC Parets. 

JC is seeing a healthy sector rotation continue. It started last year when value rallied. Investors moved into tech this year, and now small caps and industrials are catching a bid.

JC covers the many opportunities available to those investors willing to look beyond the US, with charts on several stocks, commodities, and sectors covered. Below are highlights and timestamped links to the video:

A full transcript of our conversation is available here.

You can catch the full interview on YouTube by clicking the image below. On your way in, please don’t forget to subscribe to our channel.

If you prefer audio, search for “Global Macro Update” on your favorite podcast service.

JC Parets is the founder and chief analyst at All Star Charts. The company offers daily market commentary and a technical analysis platform for research and options trading.

You can learn more about JC and All Star Charts here.

Thanks for joining me this week at Global Macro Update. You can follow me on Twitter @EdDAgostino and if you didn’t catch my discussion regarding AI with Stephen McBride, you can check it out here.

Best regards,

Ed D’Agostino
Publisher & COO

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