How This 45-Year Industry Vet Is Investing in Nuclear Energy

Ed D'Agostino | Global Macro Update
February 9, 2024

Grant Williams connected me with David Hay many years ago, calling him “one of the good guys.” When I asked what he meant, he said David genuinely cares more about his clients than the amount of money he’s managing.

I’m excited to welcome David, the chief investment officer at Evergreen Gavekal, to the latest episode of Global Macro Update. We cover a lot of ground, including investing in oil and gas, the future of small nuclear reactors, and what China’s stock and real estate market trouble could mean for global investors.

David adds to my long list of reasons why China is un-investable right now. He also shares a specific investing signal we should all watch—and deems it “the most important thing” in our conversation. It’s a technique endorsed by Paul Tudor Jones.

In the interview, you will also hear about:

Forty-five years in the financial industry has given David invaluable insight and perspective, along with the humility to occasionally say “I don’t know,” something I consider an underrated quality.

Listen to our full conversation by clicking the image above. You can also read the transcript by clicking here.

David writes a Substack called Haymaker.

Best regards,

Ed D’Agostino
Publisher & COO

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