How Do We Fix Social Security?

Ed D'Agostino | Global Macro Update
October 25, 2024

Patrick Cox is our guest today on Global Macro Update. He is a macro economist by training, with a background in technology, including an early stint working with Netscape founder Marc Andreesen to help develop SSL encryption. He’s consulted for Fortune 500 companies and authored dozens of peer-reviewed research papers on longevity biotechnology.

I caught up with Patrick while at John Mauldin’s 75th birthday party. Longtime readers may remember that Patrick wrote for us at Mauldin Economics for many years before leaving to work with noted physician Dr. Michael Roizen.


In today’s interview, Patrick discusses the demographic challenges facing our Social Security system. The ratio of working people to retired people has dropped from over 30:1 to 3:1. This is not sustainable. Patrick believes the solution is to radically extend our healthspans, meaning the number of years people live well and actively contribute to the economy. He says we are on the cusp of doing just that.

Patrick has teamed up with Chris Wood on our new longevity-focused biotech service, called Transformative Age. Every month he’ll share the details on one of his preferred bio enhancements (members received his first issue on hydrogen therapy yesterday).

I’ve known Patrick personally for about a decade, and he looks younger at age 73 than he did when we first met. He’s also our only Global Macro Update guest to ever mention doing “gymnastic moves.” Whatever he’s doing, it’s working.

Patrick will also participate in the service’s quarterly calls with Chris Wood, John Mauldin, and Dr. Mike Roizen. You’ll find more information on Transformative Age here.

Watch my interview with Patrick Cox by clicking the image above. A full transcript of our conversation is available here.


Thanks for reading and watching.

Ed D’Agostino
Publisher & COO

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