AI Is an Unstoppable Disruptive Trend That Will Affect All of Us

The release of ChatGPT late last year triggered a firestorm of debate about both the promise and dystopian risks of artificial intelligence (AI). Some have labeled it the Great AI Freak Out of 2023.

AI will no doubt have an impact on just about every industry, which is to say, we will all be affected by AI in one way or another.

How big the AI impact will be, and what industries and jobs are at the greatest risk, remain two open questions.

To help answer those questions and more, I reached out to Stephen McBride for his take on the AI revolution that is now progressing full speed ahead.

Stephen is an expert in the AI space. He has deeply immersed himself in the world of AI, gaining an understanding of where we are with AI, and where we are likely headed.

In this week’s interview, Stephen and I discuss:

  • How AI will automate an expanding share of mundane busywork and allow us to focus more on value-add tasks. This will enable the US to return to a higher rate of productivity growth.

  • Why AI is not a singular thing. There are many AIs, and each one does a different thing.

  • The two industries that stand to benefit most from AI from a cost and productivity standpoint.

  • How productivity and demand growth will define which jobs are at risk and which jobs will thrive.

  • How to easily start your journey into understanding and integrating AI into your life.

  • The simple trick to getting the best results when using ChatGPT. You can earn a six-figure salary if you master this talent.

  • Why it’s too early to start regulating AI.

  • How semiconductors are at the core of AI and its disruptive technology. This fact explains the explosive growth in Nvidia stock. AI relies on data, and more data requires more and more GPUs.

  • Taiwan and the geopolitical angle you must consider when investing in AI.

You can watch our interview on YouTube by clicking the image below. On your way in, please don’t forget to subscribe to our channel.

A full transcript of our conversation is available here.

Stephen McBride is Chief Analyst at RiskHedge, where he is co-editor of Disruption Investor, and spearheads the crypto advisory RiskHedge Venture. Prior to his professional investing career, Stephen worked at a billion-dollar financial institution in New Zealand.

I’ve known Stephen long enough to develop a deep respect for him personally, as well as for his research. I read Disruption Investor every month, and it has earned my unconditional endorsement. I highly encourage you to sample more of Stephen’s work, which you can do here.

Thank you for joining me this week at Global Macro Update.

Best regards,

Ed D’Agostino
Publisher & COO

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