Notes from NYC
- Stephen McBride
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- November 16, 2023
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This article appears courtesy of RiskHedge.
Note from Chris Reilly, RiskHedge Executive Editor: Stephen’s in New York City this week for our big upcoming event—the Trillion Dollar A.I. Investment Portfolio—to be broadcast from the studio at Columbia University.
Over a thousand RiskHedge readers have claimed a ticket. If you haven’t yet, there’s now some urgency because the early bird ticket window is closing soon. Go here to get your early bird ticket.
Today, I’m taking over The Jolt to share my quick conversation with Stephen...
Chris: Stephen, it’s your first time back in the States since, what, 2018? How are things going in New York?
Stephen: Yes, it’s been too long. But I’m back. I missed the energy here. And the in-person networking. I got together last night with J.C. Parets of All Star Charts. Tomorrow, I’m meeting the Blockworks guys. There’s so much brainpower and ambition in NYC. I love it.
Chris: Regarding your big artificial intelligence (AI) event that’s around the corner… our readers are curious about your assertion that two distinct sides are forming around AI. Can you elaborate?
Stephen: AI will cause the next great divide between the “haves” and “have-nots.”
You can see it forming already. AI is starting to split the world in two, and it’s doing so WAY faster than the web did. My job is to put our readers on the right side of this disruption, which is why I’m out here right now, getting ready to share my complete AI portfolio. The buys, the sells, and a little-known pre-IPO to watch closely.
The web and the internet revolution were great. They made a lot of folks a lot of money. But a lot of folks got left behind, too.
Companies that embraced the web like Amazon (AMZN) and Google (GOOG) made employees, owners, and outside investors wealthy. Those that didn’t—like Toys “R” Us, Sears, and Blockbuster—are gone, along with all the jobs and shareholder money that went down with the ship.
This is now unfolding in AI at twice the speed.
Chris: And the breakthroughs you’ve written about in The Jolt show this all goes far beyond companies using AI to boost profits, cut expenses, and save time.
Stephen: Those things are important in a business and stock market sense. They’ll put many billions of dollars into someone’s pocket. But the most exciting areas are where AI is taking the impossible and making it possible. The areas where—for all of human history—achieving a certain goal was beyond our ability.
AI is putting achievements within reach that seemed out of the question just six months ago.
For example, I recently wrote about ChatGPT saving a little boy’s life and AI giving a paralyzed woman her voice back.
Chris: You mentioned AI is getting “physical,” too...
Stephen: Yes, and that includes self-driving cars, which are zipping around US cities as we speak. And flying drones controlled by an AI “brain,” which recently got cleared to make long-range deliveries without someone watching from the ground (game-changer).
Then there’s robotics.
Today, three-quarters of the cardboard boxes Amazon drops at your front door are handled at some point by one of its 750,000 robots.
America’s largest employer—Walmart (WMT)—is automating its 42 gigantic distribution warehouses with robotics, too.
Chris: It sounds like there are a ton of exciting opportunities.
Stephen: There are. But with great opportunity comes great danger.
For example, I believe ChatGPT can topple Google’s long-running search monopoly. And we won’t talk to our AI assistants by tapping on a six-inch glass screen. Something will replace the iPhone as the dominant computing device in the AI age.
So, two of the five largest companies—Apple (AAPL) and Google—are at risk in ways the market doesn’t understand yet.
Chris: But those aren’t among the five popular stocks to “sell now” you’ll name at the event, right?
Stephen: Right. Apple and Google are in the “at risk but have some time to figure it out” category. The five stocks I’ll name that are about to be disrupted by AI, on the other hand, are at imminent risk of being rendered obsolete by existing AI technologies.
Chris: At the end of the day, it sounds pretty simple: Own the right stocks!
Stephen: Simple in principle, yes—when you have access to the right information.
Chris: Anything else?
Stephen: Well, if you’re looking for AI stocks to buy… find profitable ones that are already making lots of cash from AI. I’ll name five of those at our event on November 21.
Chris: Thanks, Stephen—and good luck filming. Here’s the link to secure your early bird ticket. Please note the early bird window is closing soon, so if you’re going to act, best to go here and do it now.

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