Guest Content Archive, June 2019

- June 17, 2019
Why I’m buying Google on the government crackdown
Imagine how much money you’d make if half of all people on the planet were your customers...
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- June 10, 2019
Will America play its trump card in the trade war?
Depending on how America’s trade war with China shakes out... it could produce huge stock market profits... OR losses.
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- June 4, 2019
ETFs Are Not Suitable for Most Investors
I used to trade over a $1 billion a day in ETFs. And I’m here to tell you that most people are better off investing in open-end mutual funds than ETFs. Mostly because ETFs are misused.
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- June 3, 2019
Two big updates on the 5G rollout in America
It’s always great to talk with RiskHedge readers face-to-face…
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