Just Released: Exclusive market forecast from Mauldin Economics


The robotics industry stands today at a critical tipping point, poised to change medicine, communications, travel, and your everyday life in 2014.

Here’s how to position your portfolio for the thrilling and imminent advances in robotics technology.

Dear Reader,

A true “robotics revolution”—the realization of the full power and promise of robotics technologies—could come to life in 2014.

In this letter, I will show you the story behind what the Mauldin Economics research team has called the “beyond robotics revolution.”

I will also give you the details on three distinct, publicly traded ways to access this revolution for yourself.

As you’ll see, this story and its implications reach beyond huge industrial manufacturing robots, complex medical robots, consumer-grade robots, or even nanoscale micro-robots.

The real opportunity for 2014 is in the convergence of all these various robotics fields and their approaching integration into everyday life.

In short, the robotics opportunity of 2014 isn’t about specific industries or applications; it comes from the conviction that the technology itself is taking a giant leap forward right now.

The Robotics Industry Has Reached the Tipping Point

From developments at Georgia Tech University and MIT to research at Lockheed Martin and Honda, the tipping point in robotics technologies is upon us.

And now is the moment to act on it.

The leading tech titans, as you’ll see below, are already on the move. For example...

These moves are just the start of the robotics advances that could hit the markets in the year ahead.

Robotics Is a $1 Trillion Industry in Waiting...

“There’s a trillion-dollar industry that’s staring everyone in the face,”

David Bourne, research scientist at Carnegie Mellon’s The Robotics Institute.
CNNMoney, December 2013

That’s because while the robotics field is broad and fragmented, the opportunity right now in select publicly traded robotics firms represents a societal shift that engineers and philosophers have pondered for centuries.

The shift I’m describing is the emergence of robotics technology that serves mankind in useful, responsible, and lucrative ways.

Today - in early 2014 - building on work from da Vinci to Tesla...

From Heron to Asimov... and from Westinghouse to IBM...

Robotics stands poised to better American life in ways we’re just beginning to understand.

You and I Have Lived to See What Was Once Science Fiction Become a Thrilling and Potentially Lucrative Reality

Hello, I’m Ed D’Agostino. I’m the publisher of Mauldin Economics.

John Mauldin Reveals...
Why Robotics, and Why Now:

John Mauldin

On a wall in my new apartment, I have a sculptural version of an antique slide rule. It's about seven feet long and is one of the most noticed pieces in my apartment. But the slide rule has gone from being an essential tool to a novelty conversation piece in less than a lifetime.

Slide rules gave way to big, slow, cumbersome-to-operate computers. You and I then exchanged those machines for still-bulky tower desktops. And then one day, you ditched that machine for the slim, quick, and powerful laptop or tablet you’re probably reading this letter on right now.

You watched as mobile phones went from the size of a toaster oven to much smaller than a deck of cards. You probably didn’t hear much about the Internet until the early ‛90s, but you gladly paid to bring the World Wide Web into your home so your kids could access the biggest encyclopedia on earth for school projects.

The foundations of the next major tech advance—in robotics—are being built all around us right now, and we’ll see amazing advances in the year ahead.

This “tipping point” moment for robotics is crucially important for us as investors. We are at the early stages of a huge bull market for the robotics sector. The time to act on the “robotics revolution” is now.

I’m writing to you today because of John Mauldin’s strong conviction about the potential of robotics advances.

I’m also writing to reveal what our team of analysts believe are the three most compelling publicly traded robotics opportunities on the market today.

As you’ll see, each of these three companies is uniquely positioned to make good on the promise that robotics technology stands today at a critical tipping point of mass awareness.

Each of the three companies you’ll learn about below has solutions that speak to a different angle of the robotics revolution. Taken together, they give you full access to upcoming developments for the entire industry.

Very soon, like with computer hardware in the 1980s or Internet technology in 1990s, the tipping point will shift toward mass awareness, and the opportunity for the biggest potential gains will disappear.

This change won’t happen all at once, of course, but it’s already under way right now.

To understand the level of change we’re about to experience and interpret the scope of the opportunities for investment that are in front of us right now, it’s important to understand where robotics started, and how the industry has evolved over time...

As you’ll see, harnessing technological understanding for the benefit of all mankind is a puzzle that some of the greatest minds in history have wrestled with for centuries.

The Robotics Riddle: How da Vinci’s Vision Foretold
a Glorious Future That’s Open to You Today

Heron of Alexandria, the famous 1st century AD mathematician and engineer, drew plans for coin-operated machines, steam-powered engines, and up to 100 other advanced devices.

Heron of Alexandria

Precious few of his designs progressed further than the drafting bench.

The reason why is simple.

Though he was a brilliant thinker, the technology simply did not exist to make many of Heron’s plans for mechanized tools a reality.

Over 1,000 years would pass until in the year 1495 (before he began work on his famous Last Supper painting), Leonardo da Vinci sketched out an “automated man” known as his Mechanical Knight.

This sketch, combining what da Vinci knew of anatomy and mechanics, is widely agreed to be the first example of a “humanoid robot,” that is to say, a being that blends man and machine.

His sketches never grabbed the fascination of public in his day the way his famous Vitruvian Man drawing, seen at right, did. They were too far-fetched. Too dreamlike.

Vitruvian Man

Another 403 years would pass before tele-automation became reality with Nikola Tesla’s radio-controlled creation, a tiny boat that could be commanded to stop, go forward, or turn on demand.

Critics dismissed it as a cheap trick and “mind-control.”

Another generation would pass until 1939, when Westinghouse Corporation debuted a bulky, fascinating, but nearly useless humanoid robot at the World’s Fair.

In 1942, Isaac Asimov’s story Runaround brought into wide awareness the word “robotics”, asking readers to consider what the field could include and what it could do for society.

The story also introduced Asimov’s now-famous “Three Laws of Robotics.” For the first time, readers were asked to consider where man, machine, and ethics intersect.

Today, IBM has a “deep learning” computer called Watson that competed on the television show Jeopardy! in 2011.

At the time, Watson’s supporting hardware took up a space the size of a bedroom. Today, according to Gizmodo, the hardware could fit inside a few stacked pizza boxes.

The pace of progress, as you can see, is accelerating rapidly.

Where will the industry be just a year or two from now?

More important, how can you benefit from the advances that are right around the corner?

The Robotics Revolution Will Create a Wave of
Positive Change Across All Industries

Imagine if you could put Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Plato, Isaac Newton... all the smartest and most intuitive thinkers in history together for a dinner.

Albert Einstein

Imagine the conversation. The connections. The problem-solving.

The cumulative IQ of that group would still fall short of the computing power IBM’s Watson has at its disposal.

The entire world changes. Everything we take for granted changes.

The point is—robotics isn’t “Terminators.” Robotics isn’t fear and destruction.

And robots won’t steal jobs, as some observers fear.

On the contrary, robotics has the potential to vastly expand our economy and bring manufacturing back to the United States and Europe. It’s already happening, in fact.

Robotics will make workplaces safer, cleaner, and more efficient. Think mining, hazardous chemical processing and handling, repetitive assembly, crop harvesting... the list is endless.

It’s correct to say robotics won’t change the world overnight. But the story is gaining steam. There are still bargains to be had today. They won’t last long. That’s why...

As this trend reaches wide-market awareness, if you’re on the right side of it, you could reap enormous benefits for years to come.

Most investors, however, are still asleep to the imminent nature of these advances.

The answer is yes.

The proof of that answer begins where you’d expect in this age of massive technology behemoths.

By looking at today’s industry leaders, we can predict where robotics as an industry is headed in the coming year.

The Google, Apple, Amazon, and IBM Robotics Technology Nexus: How Reading the Leaders Shows Us
Today’s Opportunities

Google has been on a robotics buying binge for the last year.

In early January of this year, the company paid $3.2 billion for Nest, a firm that makes “smart thermostats.”

But what does home heating and cooling have to do with robotics... and what do all of Google’s acquisitions add up to?

The Robotics Revolution Is the “Next Big Thing”

“Speculation on the robotics goals of these tech giants is high... [W]hen three of the most innovative companies in the world see an opportunity in robotics it is a safe bet that sector will be the next big thing.”

US News and World Report, December 2013

Consider this. One of the robotics companies Google purchased in the last year was a company called Meka Robotics.

Meka was originally a spinoff from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in 2006. Meka’s specialty is robots that can traverse uneven ground.

It’s not hard to imagine search and rescue robots used by firefighters or the National Park Service, or even by local police to find missing citizens after a disaster.

Another company Google snatched up is a firm called Industrial Perception. Like the name implies, Industrial Perception focuses on helping robots “see” and make decisions.

If a robot were unloading various packages from a truck, for example, Industrial Perception’s sight technology would help ensure the right packages were sorted to the right place.

Google also bought Boston Dynamics, a company you may already know.


It has created robots such as BigDog and Cheetah, which have become popular on sites like YouTube. These robots can be kicked, lose their balance, then recover and continue toward the goal. They’re marvels of manufacturing and design functionality.

Then there’s a Japanese company called Schaft. A spin-off from the University of Tokyo, Schaft makes rescue robots that can cover uneven ground or even drive a vehicle to get stranded humans to safety.

What do these purchases mean for Google’s robotics plans?

We believe Google isn’t buying robotics companies for what the firms have already accomplished.

Instead, we believe Google is buying talent, buying great ideas, buying software, and buying a stable of robotics solutions so they can put them all under one roof and develop further advances that become even more integral to your daily life.

This activity sends a clear message to software developers, university research labs, and robotics inventors: get Google’s attention.

The most powerful players in any space, as you know, have the ability to make talent pool around them, and Google isn’t the only major innovator going headlong into this space...

When Leading Technology CEOs Make Predictions,
It Pays to Take Them Seriously and Act Swiftly

Of course you’ve heard that Bill Gates thinks robotics is the next big industry to take off.

And Elon Musk of Tesla Motors fame wants to take people to space.

In fact, he set up a company called SpaceX with the explicit intention of someday colonizing Mars.

If you’re in a room with Gates or Musk right now, would you bet against their vision?

Of course not. Big ideas and bold bets push research forward.

Bold plans make jobs, build fortunes, and push tech understanding forward faster than any government ever could.

That’s why Amazon’s recent moves are just as important as Google’s...

And with further refinements, Amazon could in fact make drone home delivery cost effective and reliable.

Just as you wouldn’t bet against Google or Amazon, you’d also do well to take Apple’s tech and automation investment plans seriously...

Apple has recently committed up to $10.5 billion in supply-chain robotics and automation equipment upgrades for its global stable of suppliers.

The company also purchased a firm called PrimeSense for $350 million.

PrimeSense, as you probably know, works in 3D “sensing” and visualization technology, used perhaps most famously in the Microsoft Kinect device.

And don’t forget IBM. According to a recent report from technology surveyor Engadget, IBM plans to invest up to $1 billion to turn its deep-learning supercomputer Watson into its own business unit.

Deep-learning computers are computers capable of processing information in real time and making nuanced decisions.

This ability is what allowed an earlier version of Watson to succeed on the show Jeopardy! in 2011.

Now the question becomes... what do all these purchases and developments mean?

And where is the opportunity?

After All the Robotics Acquisitions, How Do the Tech Majors Stack Up to Kuka, ABB, and Other Robotics Titans?

When you compare all the recent purchases and investments from tech titans to the robotics available from current industrial robotics majors like Kuka, which trades on the OTC markets here in the US...

... or ABB Ltd, the Swiss automation giant which trades on the NYSE under “ABB”...

The answer, as you’ll see, could lay less in which technologies companies like Google are gobbling up and more in the people behind the advances themselves. Here’s what I mean...

Andy Rubin at Google is the genius behind the Android mobile operating system (OS).

In a recent interview with the New York Times, Rubin stated that his desire to build out Google’s robotics capabilities over the next 10 years springs from the conviction that...

“A range of technologies have matured to the point where new kinds of automated technologies can be commercialized.”

Rubin presented his ideas to Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and other Google leaders, and the company decided to back Rubin’s push into robotics.

Google CEO on Andy Rubin’s Robotics Plans

“[Rubin’s] last big bet, Android, started off as a crazy idea that ended up putting a supercomputer in hundreds of millions of pockets. It is still very early days for this, but I can’t wait to see the progress.”

Comments from Larry Page, Bloomberg News, December 2013

Talent. Ideas. Tech leaders with great track records. Billions upon billions in fresh investment. A spirit of problem-solving and life improvement.

Imagine what’s in store when a genius like Rubin starts working with engineers from Boston Dynamics, Schaft, Nest, Meka, and Industrial Perception all under the same roof.

You’ve now seen how the robotics revolution is nearing its tipping point. My research team and I have set about answering the obvious questions: what comes next, and how do you act on it?

We’ve Identified Three Robotics Companies Uniquely Positioned to Push the Robotics Revolution
into Overdrive in 2014

Picture a robotic arm with gripping technology precise and delicate enough to assist with the application of thin-film displays or super-thin sheets of glass but also strong enough to lift heavy objects.

A laboratory-based robot, for example, that can sift though thousands of samples and compile data overnight, while researchers go home for much-needed sleep.

A robot like that could speed medical breakthroughs. It could help scientists arrive at solutions to complex research questions faster and more efficiently than is currently feasible.

All these traits exist in one robotics firm.

The Mauldin Economics team has broken this company’s future prospects down into two basic categories: a best-case scenario and a worst-case scenario.

The worst case is you initiate a position and eventually only make some multiple of your purchase price when a company like Google adds this company to its robotics lineup.

The best-case scenario is this company continues to blossom and grow, and becomes a global robotics-space dominator on its own power.

And while truly innovative, this company is also well established. In fact, it’s been in business for over 30 years.

Though the company generated a relatively small $49 million in revenue in the past year, on a quarterly basis, revenue is currently growing at approximately 19%.

The company currently has no debt, and a significant cash cushion available to continue funding growth and research.

Beyond financials, however, the company has recently released several pieces of news that could make it an attractive speculation right now.

For example...

The company’s robotics products are making inroads in the food harvesting, handling, and packaging industry, as explained in a Food Production Daily article in September, 2013.

The implication is that more sanitary and controllable food packaging conditions can be achieved with robotic assistance.

This step forward alone could increase food safety and reduce disease outbreaks. From a public health standpoint, that equals the potential for billions in savings per year.

It’s easy to see, considering just the food-packaging industry, why experts are predicting demand for “automated assistance technologies” to increase to $37 billion by 2018.

But the story runs deeper. The company is also developing a robot for medical use that can transport test specimens, medications, and basic supplies throughout hospitals.

For the healthcare community, every outcome boils down to time spent with patients.

If this company’s robotic medical delivery system catches on, fewer nurses and orderlies running errands means more time with patients. Which in turn means better patient outcomes, less healthcare intervention, and more profitable hospital groups.

As you can see, in food-handling and hospital operations—two seemingly disconnected businesses—this one small, off-the-radar robotics company has the potential to deliver robotics solutions that greatly increase safety, productivity, and profitability.

That’s the future of robotics in a nutshell.

The Mauldin Economics research team has compiled all the details about this company, plus two other robotics firms, in a new report called The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential.

This report is now available to all active subscribers of our premier trading service, Just One Trade.

Please allow me a moment to show you what makes Just One Trade so powerful and useful before I tell you about the two other robotics companies in The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential.

The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential—New from Just One Trade

Just One Trade, as you might know, is the premier-level monthly research service from Mauldin Economics that focuses on John Mauldin’s famous “billion-dollar Rolodex” of contacts in Washington and on Wall Street to find the most compelling investment themes.

Recently, toward the close of 2013, John sat down with the entire Mauldin Economics research team and talked about his passion for, and belief in, the robotics industry.

This conviction was based on two things: his own research, and what he’s hearing from hedge fund managers, policy gurus, and professional traders.

In short, the robotics revolution under way all around you right now promises lasting ripple effects that could reshape your portfolio for years to come.

Here are just a few examples of the robotics tipping point coming to fruition all around us right now:

At an estimated yearly market of $37 billion just within the next few years, robotics is exploding, and now is your moment to get in front of this growing story with Just One Trade.

John, as you know, charts the course of the research that appears in Just One Trade.

In each monthly issue, he lays out his big-picture thinking.

Then, my team of analysts and researchers at Mauldin Economics find the current stock market move that best fits with John’s macro view.

Just One Trade, at its core, is a trading service. It helps position you for gains stemming from the strongest macro themes. Here’s what readers say about the approach...

But we want to add more opportunity to Just One Trade so it’s even more useful.

That’s why I’m pleased to announce today that in combination with digging deep into John Mauldin’s billion-dollar Rolodex each month, current and new subscribers to Just One Trade will also begin to benefit from a small allocation to more speculative, “moonshot” ideas.

This means, moving forward, an allocation of 10-20% of the Just One Trade model portfolio will focus on high-profit-potential speculative stocks.

Some of these stocks won’t work out due to their early stage of evolution. That’s the nature of speculating. When done right, the winners far outweigh the losers, and the overall return of the portfolio is enhanced—sometimes significantly.

Here’s just one example of how well Just One Trade works when it locks in on the correct macro theme...

  This biotech play is an industry leader. The blueprint for succeeding with large-cap stocks is well known. Locate value, find an advantage, and pick a leader that has upward momentum.

The small market-cap, 30-year-old rising robotics company I described to you above, however, is a pure speculation play. It’s cheap, it’s off the radar, but still offers huge upside right now.

If you were to initiate a position with 10% of your speculation capital (not your entire portfolio), for instance, you could reap significant gains over time.

2014 promises to unfold as a watershed year for the robotics industry, and the first company in the breakthrough report, The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential, represents the introduction of a new “responsible speculations” arm to the Just One Trade portfolio.

Before I tell you more about this exciting new direction, let’s cover the two other “beyond robotics” companies you need to know about...

Why You Want to Own the Company That Controls the Most Important (and Overlooked)
Sub-Industry in Robotics Technology

In any robotics application discussed above, the most important factor is how that robot interacts with the world around it.

Interacting with other machines on a factory floor, a doctor in an operating room, or a citizen on public transit boils down to how well that robot senses, interprets, and processes information.


That’s a long way of saying that how a robot “sees” is its key to interacting with the world.

Sensing, seeing, robotic “vision” is the sub-industry that drives the entire robotics field.

A robot that can’t interpret the world around it, after all, is useless regardless of how advanced its peripheral technology might be.

The second company in the report I’d like you to agree to read is hands-down the worldwide leader in robotics vision technology.

This company trades on the Nasdaq, is based in one of the most fertile innovation corridors in the country, and has been in business for over a generation.

Here’s an example of how this company’s robotics vision technology works.

If 1,000 pieces or finished products roll down an assembly line every few minutes, generally a human quality engineer spot-checks one part or piece on a set schedule.

Assembly line

Doing so allows for some measure of quality control. Problems can be quickly and efficiently identified. But if a robotic vision system “sees” and judges each and every piece, not only is every mistake (regardless of how small) removed from the line, but overall quality increases dramatically.

Even better, this company manufactures laser-vision technology systems that could be applied to robotics advances other industry leaders also currently have under way. Amazon’s delivery robots may one day use this company’s vision technology to make sure your package arrives at your door and not your neighbor’s.

The important thing to understand is that this second company, while not a “moonshot potential speculation” like the first company I told you about, is still somewhat small and off the mainstream radar.

This company has a market cap of just over $3 billion and employs only a few hundred people. It trades well, is quite liquid, and is quite affordable at today’s prices.

Shares are already up nearly 33% since mid-November—a good indication of what could lay ahead for 2014 should the robotics revolution continue to gather steam.

Before I share my notes on the third company the Mauldin Economics research team covers in The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential, I want to give you some quick background on another hidden robotics revolution strand you might find useful.

This idea reaches all the way back to da Vinci and his Mechanical Knight sketch. I’m talking about humanoid robots. As you’ll see, this is a fascinating arena that’s certain to provide outsized opportunities in the future.

The Robotics Singularity—An Emerging Investment Trend


You probably know Honda’s now-famous ASIMO humanoid robot. It can walk, pick things up, and process simple commands.

A few years ago, ASIMO was a fascination, but it had little usefulness.

Today, however, ASIMO’s technology is approaching the market, promising value to a variety of industries.

That’s because Honda’s engineers have used ASIMO to make robotics breakthroughs in body-weight distribution, walking, and obstacle navigation, as well as face and object recognition that could benefit other robotics companies.

Advances by ASIMO have pushed research and development forward around the world.

Today, a tiny company in France called Aldebaran Robotics has invented a little humanoid robot called NAO (pronounced like “now.”)

NAO, equipped with speech recognition, facial recognition, and the full range of motion dexterity you’d expect from a cutting-edge humanoid robot, could be the robotics breakthrough of a generation.

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame, for example, are using the NAO robot for speech therapy exercises with children who have autism.

Early results are encouraging, and the speech therapy-programmed NAO robots appear to be making significant gains with these children.


This brings me to an important point—one that’s about robotics and human relationships.

Investment implications are why I’m writing you this letter today.

But robotics as an industry and the promise that industry holds are bigger and more important to humanity than just dollars and cents. Robotics will impact and improve lives in the years ahead in ways you and I cannot even fully fathom right now. That’s part of what makes a technological convergence or singularity so exciting.

There will be opportunities—and yes, challenges too—that we cannot predict.

Google, for example, is working hard to overcome the early challenges.

A Robotics Expert Speaks to The Financial Times About Humanoid Innovation

“Developing robots that will be effective in their interactions with humans in different social situations is crucial to the future robotic development that is useful to human society.”

The Financial Times, January 2014

More will present themselves in the future, and only through continued innovation and attention to detail will the robotics industry continue to grow.

Robotics is the one of the cornerstone industries for 2014 and the years ahead that will drive new jobs and new research opportunities for all Americans, and drive new wealth potential for you. Robotics will change how children learn, how goods are manufactured, transported, and handled, how we organize ourselves in society, and how we travel, work, and play.

Accessing the best opportunities in the robotics space is again why the Mauldin Economics team of analysts and researchers have put so much time and effort into creating The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential.

It’s also why no forward-looking robotics portfolio would be complete without one current, heavy-industrial robotics major.

A Best-of-Breed Robotics Major: The Muscle
Behind the Robotics Revolution

The third and final company in The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential is a robotics company you may have already investigated.

This company makes high-tech robotics applications like cutting and assembly robots, as well as laser-driven and nanoscale robots.

Nearly every heavy industry you can think of, from shipping to auto manufacturing—from skyscraper construction to highways and aerospace—uses the huge, hulking robots this company produces.

It is an absolute steal at today’s prices, and gives you a wide margin of exposure to the biggest, strongest, most useful robotics applications as we know them today.

This robotics major also serves an important purpose in your The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential report. In short, it’s today’s Google of robotics. It’s established. It’s a titan. It has unassailable market share and pricing power.

Working backward, the second company in your report focuses on specific robotics applications—namely robotic vision. It’s more of a specialized, niche player in the robotics space.

It has just as much upside, and offers similar value to the company above.

Finally, the first robotics company I shared with you—focusing on innovative gripping and assistance robotics applications—has a nimble and astute management team, a small market cap... and speculative-stock-price growth potential.

Few investors have heard of the first company I described, making it a rare robotics bargain in today’s market.

The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential gives you access to the best of robotics technology today... and for the year ahead.

You get all the details on a major player, an up-and-comer, and an off-the-radar small speculation robotics company, fitting into the new “responsible speculations” arm of the Just One Trade model portfolio.

Before I show you how to get started with a 100% risk-free trial to Just One Trade and get your free and immediate access to The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential, there’s one more important point I’d like to show you.

The Robotics Revolution Tipping Point Requires
Swift Action Today: Here’s Why

The robotics revolution I’ve described in detail in this letter today certainly isn’t going to change the world overnight.

Swift action is required, however, to claim the biggest possible future benefit, because many of the early-adoption hurdles have been cleared.

What lies ahead is an era of ever-increasing technological awareness and innovation.

Just as it took hundreds of years between da Vinci’s robotics visions to come to fruition in Tesla’s radio-controlled contraptions, then only a generation until Westinghouse debuted a functioning robot at the World’s Fair... the pace of progress is rapidly accelerating...

Consider Watson, IBM’s deep-learning computer.

Just three years ago, Watson’s supporting hardware filled a room. Now it’s the size of a few stacked pizza boxes.

Where will tech and computing progress take us just a few years from now?

Where will it take the leading robotics companies?

Intuitive Surgical (ISRG), which I mentioned earlier, could be a guiding example.

As ISRG’s da Vinci Surgical System grew into wider and wider awareness and use, the company blossomed and the stock price grew.

But what if you could capture those kinds of gains in a far shorter amount of time? That’s the potential Just One Trade’s new, responsible allocation to more speculative “moonshot” recommendations gives you today.

It would be the kind of investment that builds and cements a portfolio. For some, it could change  lives, increase freedom, and reduce worries.

Now imagine multiplying that kind of growth and that sort of freedom across a broad swath of companies as one of the biggest stories of this or any other era takes full flight.

That’s the potential you have today when you claim your copy of The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential.

You can start reading your copy just moments from right now...

How Much Is Access to the Robotics Revolution Worth?

Your copy of The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential represents a critical early advantage in acting on the robotics tipping point about to sweep the markets in the coming year.

The question is... how much is this early advantage worth?

$2,495 is the standard rate for a full year of the recently retooled Just One Trade investment alert service from John Mauldin and the team at Mauldin Economics...

Just One Trade

That price includes...

I hope you agree this is a fair deal.

Especially when you consider your purchase is 100% risk-free and backed by our ironclad satisfaction guarantee.

How the guarantee works is simple. You reply today. You review the report and start scanning through Just One Trade issues and alerts.

You can check out the portfolio for yourself and weigh it against your expectations and what you’ve read in this letter.

If you are not completely satisfied, you have 90 days to get your entire subscription price back.

Simply call and you will be refunded in full. There will be no hassling, haggling, or complaint from the Mauldin Economics customer care team.

If you call and tell them you want your money back, you get it back. Period.

Now please allow me one moment more of your time to sum up.

The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential

You get a digital copy of The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential right now.

You get Just One Trade issues, alerts, bonus content, and Mauldin Economics website access for a full year.

(Including the new moonshot responsible speculations portion of the Just One Trade portfolio I described earlier.)

Plus, you get 90 full days of purchase protection to judge this robotics story and the Just One Trade service for yourself.

Frankly, the robotics revolution story—its potential and implications—are too important and too urgent for me to allow any possible barrier to remain to securing your response today

That’s why...

For a very limited time, you can get your copy of The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential plus all the Just One Trade recommendations and benefits I’ve described above...

For just $1,745.

That’s a huge savings.

Plus, you still benefit from the full 90 days of purchase protection.

Click here to get started.

From Heron of Alexandria in the 1st century AD to da Vinci, from Tesla to Asimov... robotics has fascinated and challenged the greatest thinkers in history.

Today, due to profound advances in robotics technology—much of which I’ve revealed in this letter—the robotics revolution stands at a critical tipping point in the year ahead.

Don’t miss what could become one of the most beneficial and potentially profitable investment themes of this or any other era... claim your copy of The Robotics Revolution: Three Robotics Stocks Packed with Innovation and Potential without delay.

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Here’s to a better, healthier, more productive future due in part to the promise of robotics...

Ed D’Agostino
Ed D’Agostino
Publisher, Mauldin Economics

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